FACES by Seigar

Seigar is a passionate travel, street, social-documentary, conceptual, and pop visual artist based in Tenerife, Spain. His latest project ‘FACES’ explores the different faces we see in people depending on the situations the live.

The artist notes:

This conceptual portrait series was inspired by the lyrics of the song Mercury by Steve Lacy: "You think I'm two-faced, I can name twenty-three / My layers, all these sides". This work represents a metaphor for personality traits conveyed through my longest and still ongoing project My Plastic People. It shows the complexities of human beings.

I think personalities should be valued, and encouraged to blossom. We should embrace our personalities so differences can enrich us all. It is the perfect time in history to let our inner selves and souls speak loud and act freely, not repress ourselves! It is a matter of empowerment.

The content is also connected to my interest in identity, everything that defines us. The aesthetics I've chosen are once more pop, this movement is my main influence to create. Faces deals with the idea that the intricacies of our personalities should not be considered negative, in fact, being genuine is the engine we need today out there, far from the crowd thinking. I see personalities as the possible gates to individual freedoms. Just be real!